This is Sunny, one of our pretty red/white females. She throws some absolutely beautiful pups and has really turned out to be an amazing momma. She is AKC
This is Sheba, one of our "home grown" girls. She is AKC and is an exceptional momma who produces great pups!
This lovely lady is Lazy J's Black Beauty. She is AKC and is just a sweetheart! She is great with the kids and other animals and we will look forward to when she has her first pups for us.
This is Rosie, our AKC registered female. She is very small, so it is possible for her to have puppies that are more on the miniature side. She is a great dog packed in a little body!
This is Holden an AKC male. He is the son of our late Thomas and has great bloodlines. We are really excited to have him added to our breeding program!